The Asian Film Awards (AFA) is set to return to Hong Kong for its 18th edition, bringing together the brightest stars and finest talents in Asian cinema. This year's ceremony marks a significant milestone with the appointment of acclaimed Japanese actor-musician Dean Fujioka as the Ambassador, alongside four dynamic Youth Ambassadors representing different regions of Asia.
The prestigious event, organized by the Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) and supported by the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency and the Film Development Fund, continues its tradition of celebrating excellence in Asian cinema. The AFAA, founded through the collaboration of the Busan, Hong Kong, and Tokyo International Film Festivals, has carefully selected this year's ambassadors to embody the theme "Empowering Ideas Together."
Joining Dean Fujioka in representing Asian cinema are four rising stars: Thailand's Aokbab Chutimon, known for her award-winning performance in "Hunger" and "Bad Genius"; Taiwan's Austin Lin, a two-time Golden Horse Awards nominee; Hong Kong's Lo Chun Yip, recognized for his compelling work in "Time Still Turns the Pages"; and Japan's Okada Masaki, who starred in the internationally acclaimed "Drive My Car."
Dean Fujioka(Japan)
Aokbab Chutimon (Thailand)
Austin Lin (Taiwan)
Lo Chun Yip (Hong Kong)
Okada Masaki (Japan)
For Fujioka, the appointment holds special significance as Hong Kong was where his acting career began. "Hong Kong is where I made my debut as an actor and the place where my career started," he shared, expressing his commitment to elevating Asian cinema's global presence. The Youth Ambassadors have also expressed their enthusiasm, with Chutimon looking forward to the Hong Kong celebrations, Lin anticipating global connections, Lo excited about collaborating with fellow actors, and Okada honored to participate in this prestigious event.
This year's AFA has unveiled a striking key visual designed by Sunny Wong of STUDIOWMW, featuring a mountain motif that symbolizes the perseverance and ambition of Asian filmmakers. The design incorporates flowing colored lines representing the vibrant creativity of emerging talents in the industry. Wong explains that the interplay of colors within the mountain reflects the diverse perspectives and artistic approaches across Asian cinema.
The upcoming ceremony promises to be a significant gathering of Asian cinema's finest, with nominations and the Jury President to be announced on January 10, 2025. The event will continue the AFA's 17-year legacy of recognizing excellence across categories including Best Film, Best Director, and Best Actor/Actress, with winners selected by a distinguished panel of previous nominees and winners.
The 18th Asian Film Awards Nominations and Jury President Announcement
Date: 10 January 2025 (Friday)
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