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Porsche The Art of Dreams – Capsule Dreamscapes #01 Seoul: A Surreal Exploration of Design and Innovation during Frieze Seoul 2024

In a captivating display of artistry, innovation, and imagination, Porsche The Art of Dreams made its mark in Seoul with the first edition of Capsule Dreamscapes. Hosted at the Beizik Studio from September 4th to 8th, 2024, the event brought together a stellar lineup of global and South Korean designers, artists, and creatives, interpreting the surreal power of dreams through interactive installations, workshops, and conversations.

Porsche: “The Art of Dreams”, “Capsule Dreamscapes #01 – Seoul”, 4 September 2024. Photography by Jimin Jeon.

Porsche: “The Art of Dreams”, “Capsule Dreamscapes #01 – Seoul”, 4 September 2024. Photography by Jimin Jeon.

An Immersive Fusion of Art and Technology

Porsche’s partnership with design platform Capsule, co-curated by Alessio Ascari and architect Paul Cournet, opened a new chapter in The Art of Dreams series with "Capsule Dreamscapes #01 Seoul". As part of the vibrant Seoul Art Week, the exhibition blended futurism and craftsmanship, providing a multi-sensory experience that challenged conventional design thinking. Key international and local artists such as Carsten Höller, Audrey Large, Théophile Blandet, Ezra Miller, Kwangho Lee, and Koo Jeong A contributed works that combined cutting-edge technology with conceptual artistry.

The Taycan Turbo K-Edition: A Tribute to Porsche Korea's 10th Anniversary

Central to the exhibition was the unveiling of the Taycan Turbo K-Edition, a limited-edition electric sports car commemorating Porsche Korea's 10th anniversary. The K-Edition, featuring five unique exterior colors and interior designs inspired by Korean culture and craftsmanship, embodied the exhibition’s core themes of innovation, tradition, and futurism. Exclusively sold in South Korea, the Taycan Turbo K-Edition reflects the collaborative work of Porsche Korea, Style Porsche, and the Sonderwunsch (Special Request) Team.

Porsche: “The Art of Dreams”, “Capsule Dreamscapes #01 – Seoul”, 4 September 2024. Photography by Jimin Jeon.

Porsche: “The Art of Dreams”, “Capsule Dreamscapes #01 – Seoul”, 4 September 2024. Photography by Jimin Jeon.

Artists' Reflections on Dreams and Innovation

Participating artists each brought their unique perspective to the theme of dreams, intertwining it with contemporary design and technology. Audrey Large, whose work blends digital fabrication with 3D printing, created an immersive sculpture that embodied the dynamic intersection of technology and future design. "I wanted to explore how digital tools could challenge our perception of materiality. The sculptural forms I create are meant to evoke the futuristic and the surreal, much like the dreams we envision when imagining future technologies."

Théophile Blandet, who presented a series of sculptural objects crafted from wood, explained, "I’m drawn to the idea of working with simple materials and transforming them into something unexpected. For this project, I focused on creating objects that balance functionality with abstraction—blurring the lines between the real and the imaginary."

American digital artist Ezra Miller showcased a generative video installation inspired by speed and futurism, using AI and cutting-edge graphics techniques. "The piece is meant to evoke the hypnotic, dreamlike experience of driving the Taycan Turbo. I wanted to push the boundaries of video art, creating visuals that feel both familiar and surreal, much like the sensation of a vivid dream."

South Korean artist Kwangho Lee explored materiality and craftsmanship in his installation. "For me, the idea of dreams is linked to transformation—taking something ordinary and elevating it into the extraordinary. My work is a tribute to traditional Korean craftsmanship, but reimagined through modern processes to create something that feels both rooted in heritage and forward-thinking."

Koo Jeong A, known for their her multi-sensory approach to art, contributed "ODORAMA CITIES", a scent installation diffused throughout the exhibition. "Scent has the power to trigger memories and transport us to otherworldly places. With this project, I wanted to create a sensory experience that would linger in the mind, much like a dream that you can't shake off after waking."

 1. Audrey Large-Portrait Studio - ph Anne Timmer

2. Théophile Blandet

3. Ezra Miller

4. KwangHo_CuttingLines_002

A Glimpse into the Future of Design

"Capsule Dreamscapes" offers an innovative platform where the boundaries of art, design, and technology are constantly redefined. Alessio Ascari, one of the co-curators, noted, "The essence of ‘Dreamscapes’ lies in the exploration of alternate realities and the boundless nature of the subconscious. We’ve brought together an incredible group of creators who push the limits of their fields, encouraging visitors to immerse themselves in these surreal, imaginative landscapes."

As the exhibition drew to a close, Porsche The Art of Dreams once again demonstrated its commitment to pushing the limits of artistic expression, with Capsule Dreamscapes #01 Seoul offering an inspiring glimpse into the future of design and craftsmanship. The next edition of The Art of Dreams will take place in December 2024, continuing its global journey to explore the intersections of dreams, technology, and design.

Capsule_Alessio Ascari Paul Cournet_by_T-Space-Studio

Capsule_Alessio Ascari Paul Cournet_by_T-Space-Studio


Porsche The Art of Dreams

Photos by Porche The Art of Dreams


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