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KYOTOPHONIE Spring 2025 Patti Smith Returns to Japan After 9 Years, Alongside KOM_I and Filipe Catto

The lineup for the Spring 2025 edition of KYOTOPHONIE Borderless Music Festival, a musical celebration that colors Kyoto's spring, has been announced. The festival will feature legendary poet Patti Smith returning to Japan after approximately 9 years, Brazilian experimental musician Filipe Catto, and KOM_I, former vocalist of Wednesday Campanella, among other genre-defying artists.

サウンドウォーク・コレクティヴ & パティ・スミス  Soundwalk Collective (Stephan Crasneanscki, Simone Merli) (Photo by Vanina Sorrenti); Patti Smith (Photo by Jesse Paris Smith)

 Soundwalk Collective & Patti Smith

Soundwalk Collective (Stephan Crasneanscki, Simone Merli) (Photo by Vanina Sorrenti); Patti Smith (Photo by Jesse Paris Smith)

The festival will be held from April 12 to May 11, 2025, across various venues in Kyoto. Running concurrently with its sister event "KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival 2025," this year's festival explores the theme of "HUMANITY," attempting to merge music and photographic arts.

Featured Performance Lineup

Patti Smith & Soundwalk Collective "CORRESPONDENCES"

On April 29, at ROHM Theatre Kyoto South Hall, Patti Smith and Soundwalk Collective will present "CORRESPONDENCES" for the first time in Japan. This spectacular performance, born from a decade-long collaboration, will feature eight video works exploring the relationship between humans and nature.

Soundwalk Collective & Patti Smith | CORRESPONDENCES

Soundwalk Collective & Patti Smith | CORRESPONDENCES

Courtesy of Soundwalk Collective

Filipe Catto

Making their Japanese debut on April 19 at Hulic Hall Kyoto, Catto is renowned as a representative artist of Brazil's contemporary music scene. This performance offers a rare opportunity to experience their powerful vocals and diverse musicality.

フィリペ・カット 「Belezas São Coisas Acesas por Dentro 」アルバムジャケット

Filipe Catto 「Belezas São Coisas Acesas por Dentro 」Album jacket


Also performing at Hulic Hall Kyoto on April 19, KOM_I will present a special performance incorporating experiences from her current base in Bahia, Brazil, challenging new forms of expression.

KOM_I コムアイ

Festival Kickoff Party

On April 12, Japan's oldest club, CLUB METRO, will host a joint kickoff party celebrating the opening of KYOTOGRAPHIE, KYOTOPHONIE, and KG+. Led by Brazilian artist Filipe Catto, artists who seamlessly perform from Kyoto to the world, and from underground to mainstream, will gather together.


KYOTOPHONIE Borderless Music Festival Spring 2025

Duration: April 12 (Sat) - May 11 (Sun), 2025

Venues: CLUB METRO, Hulic Hall Kyoto, ROHM Theatre Kyoto South Hall, and others

Organizer: KYOTOPHONIE General Incorporated Association

Official Website:

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